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7 Day

Quick And Easy 5 Ingredient Butter Cookies: A Delightful Treat In No Time!
Looking for a simple and delicious cookie recipe that requires minimal ingredients and effort? Look no further! These quick and easy butter cookies are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth in a pinch. With just five basic ingredients, you'll have a batch of mouthwatering cookies ready to enjoy in no time. Let's get into this delightful recipe! Ingredients: - 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened - 1/2 cup granulated sugar - 2 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 1 tsp of salt Instructions: Step 1: Preheat the oven and prepare baking sheets Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line your baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats to prevent sticking. Step 2: Cream the butter and sugar In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. You can use an electric mixer or do it by hand with a wooden spoon. Step 3: Add the flour and vanilla extract Gradually add the all-purpose flour to the butter-sugar mixture, mixing well after each addition. Once the flour is fully incorporated, add the vanilla extract and mix until the dough comes together. Step 4: Shape the cookies Take small portions of the dough and roll
them into 1-inch balls. Place the balls onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving some space between each cookie to allow for spreading. Step 5: Flatten and decorate (optional) Using a fork, gently press down on each cookie to create a crisscross pattern. You can also sprinkle some sugar on top for added sweetness and a decorative touch. Step 6: Bake to perfection Place the baking sheets in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 12-15 minutes, or until the edges of the cookies turn golden brown. Keep an eye on them to avoid over-baking. Step 7: Cool and enjoy! Once baked, remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheets for a few minutes. Transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. Once cooled, these buttery delights are ready to be enjoyed! This quick and easy 5 ingredient butter cookies is a fantastic treat for any occasion. With their buttery flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture, they are sure to become a favorite in your household. Make up a batch whenever you're craving a simple yet delicious homemade cookie. Enjoy them with a cup of tea or share them with friends and family. Happy baking!

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