Fast Food
7 Day

Steak Fries With Chimichurri Sauce
4 Sirloin or boneless ribeye work best, steaks 1 cup Cilantro 3 Garlic cloves 2 tsp Garlic powder 2 cup Italian parsley, packed fresh 1 tsp Onion powder 2 Parsley 3 Russet potatoes, medium wedges 2 tsp Paprika 1 Green Pepper 1 tsp Red pepper 1 tsp kosher Salt 14 tbsp Olive oil 1/2 cup Red wine vinegar 2 tbsp Vegetable or grapeseed oil 1 tsp Cumin Get a good cut of beef Prime rib… cut up in good slices Make sure that you cook the steak slow and season well to make it good and tender Cut up the
potatoes in wedges and soak in ice water Season up the potatoes and place them on a cookie sheet pan Line the pan with parchment paper Make sure that you cover the potatoes in olive oil and then season them Cook the potatoes in the oven on 375 degrees for 35 minutes Combine all of the liquid ingredients to make your sauce…heat until it makes a sauce When the meat is done… Let the meat cook Place meat and potatoes on a plate Have with a side of veggies

Apple Cheese Cake Tacos

Baked Hot Sauce Wings

Spicy Noodle Recipe

Cajun Shrimp Pasta

Homemade Turkey Wings

Peach Cobbler Pound Cake